Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Qantas flight to Manila returns to Sydney after landing gear issue

A QANTAS plane carrying 158 passengers to Manila turned back to Sydney after an indicator light came on, signalling a potential issue with its wet weather anti-skid landing gear.

A Qantas spokeswoman said the Boeing 767 had left Sydney at 11am (AEST) on Monday but returned at 4.15pm for safety reasons. "The flight was on its way to Manila and there was an indicator defect in the cockpit for the anti-skid indicator," the spokeswoman told AAP. "As there were thunderstorms forecast for Manila the decision was made to return the aircraft to Sydney."

Passengers were due to board a replacement flight to Manila at about 6pm.

The spokeswoman said she couldn't say if this type of incident had happened before. "Our engineers will have a look at the aircraft and determine if there is a problem with the aircraft," she said. "At this stage we don't know if it's just an indicator light defect or not."


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